4 Tips How to Clean the Coffee Machine Properly

La Marzocco Linea Mini 1 Group Coffee Machine Review

A coffee machine is a tool commonly used by Baristas to easily brew coffee without having to make it manually. With this machine, the taste of the coffee produced will come out with a strong coffee aroma. You just need to come to your favorite Cafe and order the coffee you want.

If you want to mix your own coffee with a different taste, there’s nothing wrong with buying your own coffee maker. You don’t have to go far if you want to buy your favorite coffee because you can mix it yourself. You can also save energy and money. The cup of coffee you serve to your customers depends on the performance of the coffee machine you use. We know that a coffee machine that has good performance is a coffee machine that is able to extract coffee to the maximum. Coffee machines can affect the taste and aroma of coffee.

Just like humans, coffee machines also have a point of fatigue at work. The difference is, we often have to check every component on the coffee machine to avoid total damage to the coffee machine. A coffee machine that has good performance will produce coffee according to standards. However, if you have bought a coffee maker, don’t forget to always clean it regularly. The reason is, many people complain about the bad taste of their coffee and after research, it turns out that the main cause is just because the coffee maker they use is rarely cleaned. So that the taste of the coffee produced can come out to the maximum, the correct way to clean the coffee maker is as follows.

La Marzocco Linea Mini 1 Group Coffee Machine Review
La Marzocco Linea Mini

Here’s how to clean the coffee machine after use

Clean the Filter Basket and Portafilter After Use

This part is the part that must always be cleaned every time you use it. For that, make it a habit to clean this Basket Filter and Portafilter every time you finish making coffee. It also aims to remove the remaining espresso attached to the Basket Filter and Portafilter, so that the taste of the next coffee made is not mixed with the rest of the espresso.

Clean the Grouphead Or Portafilter Case

How to clean it is quite easy. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into the portafilter. Attach the portafilter to the Grouphead. Start the machine for about 10 seconds, stop it for a few seconds, then turn it on again. Do this pattern up to four times. Remove the portafilter and wash it thoroughly. Then plug the machine back in and run the machine for 10 seconds. The group head is clean and ready to be used again. This method can only be done if the coffee maker is equipped with a 3-way electrovalve that allows backflushing.

Clean the Shower Screen

A shower screen is a place where the water is connected to the ground coffee in the filter basket. You can clean the shower screen using a small cloth or cloth and make sure there is no ground coffee left in the previous shot.

Clean Steam Wand

This tool is also a part that must be kept clean at all times. So, when the milk has been steamed and the foam has formed, immediately wipe the steam wand with a clean, damp cloth. Use a special cloth to clean the steam wand.

Those are a few tips on caring for your favorite coffee machine, hopefully, it can help.


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